Thursday, June 19, 2014

Perfection as an Illusion

Salvador Dali couldn't have said it any better, if I do say so myself. 

When I was in high school, I always strived for perfection. Anything less than an "A" was inexcusable, I busted my ass off to become valedictorian, and words couldn't describe the amount of joy I felt when I received a college acceptance letter to Columbia University with a scholarship. I had gotten everything I had wanted. I had achieved, what I had considered, a perfect academic track and a perfect opportunity in life. It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that what seems perfect to the rest of the world, sometimes really isn't perfect.

It wasn't perfect being 4 hours away from the people I loved
It wasn't perfect being in a school where everyone was in competition with one another
It wasn't perfect struggling to pay financial aid
It wasn't perfect missing special occasions in Boston
It wasn't perfect feeling inferior to the crowd
It wasn't perfect feeling lost
It wasn't perfect feeling alone

I finally gave up on the idea of "perfection", withdrew from my dream school (which had an acceptance rate of 12%), came back to Boston, rejoined my family and found a college that accepted my love and desire for sketching. And at the moment when I made all those changes, and started to shift my energy towards my passion, that felt "perfect". However, even today all those desires and dreams are shifting as we speak. What I want now, is nowhere near what I wanted then or even what I have at the moment.

Perfection is something we can chase all we want, but guess what? You'll never reach it.

Are We Evolving The Wrong Way?

I'm sitting at home at 11pm and this is honestly what's going through my mind at the moment: what are we, as a human race, evolving into?

Since the first time I heard about the concept of evolution, it has intrigued me. As a child who loved science and was raised in a Christian household, I struggled with the idea of "truth" behind the concept of evolution. I was taught early on in biology that many different species during the developmental stages of life, share a very similar looking embryo, something that to me, made evolution (without a doubt) a real theory. However, I was shot down by my Christian parents as they went on and on about how "God made everything unique", and rejected concepts of deep grounded "evolution". I'm not going to lie, I didn't know what to think about the situation. However, it wasn't until I got older and started to do my own research that I came to my own conclusion and today that conclusion is: we sure as hell ARE evolving.

But the biggest question that urks my mind is: what are we evolving into?

The over arching theory that most people seem to feed into, is that we are evolving into a better race. If we look at the evolutionary chart above, we see man straightening out, his pride adjusting as we become more "civilized", but who is to say that that is a good thing? What if what we consider evolution is actually us devolving? What if we are moving away from what we are really supposed to be and moving towards destruction?

These days I study a lot of research that supports the concept of channeling and human connection with higher conscious beings (some people would call these, aliens), and I find the information that is documented in all of these channeled sessions, absolutely fascinating! There are a few free, documented materials, from The Law of One: The Ra Material, to The Seth Material and even channeled sessions which can be found on youtube by a man named Daryl Anka who channels a higher dimensional being known as Bashar. From all these readings and videos, I find that they all share a similar theory about the human race, how we were made and how we are evolving. And most importantly they all seem to acknowledge that we, as man, were once a much more intelligence race. A race/specie that was very connected with our spiritual being and the all-knowingness that exists within each one of us. However, they all seem to suggest that over time, we as a race, became disconnected with these "powers". All materials discuss the creation and the mystery behind ancient findings such as the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids, Easter Island and even Puma Punku. What they all have in common is that they all suggest that these were all created with our innate ability to create using higher powers (such as creating with the mind and the power of elevation), all of which we cannot do today, since we have "devolved" in a sense.

As man moves away from spirituality and the divine connection that we have with nature and the all-empowring forces of the universe, and moves towards greed and materialism, we as a species are shifting our planet's energy into an unforgivable state.

So with all that being said, the question still begs to be asked, what are we evolving into? Are we becoming a smarter, more intelligent and stronger race? Or are we devolving into the dark and evil aspects of our humane society?

I leave the question to the reader, to ponder.